Foundations and Companies

Foundations, associations, churches, sports clubs and services for companies.

Regular assistance for business entities is the traditional service that we offer to our clients. We are in touch with them every day – by phone, via email and in person. We are open to all forms of cooperation expected by our clients. We help clients who operate in various industries. We assist clients who are active in the sports industry. We also have experience in handling the legal problems of religious associations and non-profit organizations. We are familiar with the specific nature of the functioning of sports clubs.

Our experience in assisting business entities involves much more than just submitting applications to the National Court Register. Entities, especially associations, are very important clients whose organizational and legal problems match in complexity issues facing large international commercial companies. We advise clients who are just starting their business what company type they should choose. We establish all types of companies and associations. The main difference between us and typical commercial law firms is our very broad range of experience, not only in providing services to commercial companies, but also other types of organizations.
