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Special Purpose Road Act and compensation: with or without VAT?

In a decision establishing the amount of compensation for the expropriation of land intended for the construction of a road, is it necessary to break down the compensation amount into gross/net? In consequence, the following question arises: should the amount of compensation vary depending on whether or not the owner is a VAT payer?

Both the Property Management Act and the Special Purpose Road Act remain silent about this. However, a quite new ruling (2013) of the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) opens a path to interpretation. Quote: If a decision about the amount of compensation is issued in relati Read more

Last May we met our friends from Interlegal in Lisbon, and in November this year members of Interlegal have another meeting in Bangkok. We have barely cooled down.

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Podzielenie majątku za życia między dzieci nie oznacza braku procesu

Rodzice często pragną (uczciwie) obdarować swoje dzieci elementami swojego majątku, w taki sposób, by po ich śmierci, dzieci nie musiały spotykać się w Sądzie w sprawie spadkowej, co generować może (słusznym zdaniem rodzica) p Read more